I think maybe you should tell us why you like this anime and try so hard to defend it instead. They just simply don't like it for various reasons. Also, i don't think anyone really hates this anime. I've noticed that you have a tendency to resort to name calling when someone disagrees with how you feel about this anime.

If you actually look through this topic, you'll see that many people have provided reasons why they dislike this anime. This site is full of pessimistic assholes that think they're elitists and what they say should be taken as gospel. "The show is generic, get blocked kid." If you're going to shit on a show, actually have a legitimate reason to do so. They'll just use a one liner and blow you off. I love how most of the people hating on the show won't actually give you a reason why if you ask them. Utsugi, Lenka and others it's not in this story yet. young Rindou Lindow Amamiya and his young big sister Tsubaki Amamiya only 3 of them. We human always fight each what right or wrong and abandoned others order save our seft that happen in god eater ova anime will there still good people i know not all people are bad. To be honest human the most dangerous animal in the world they always make mistakes they pollution all around the world and make weapons kill each other plus they one make mistake creat aragami in first place plus human use nuke destroy the earth order kill all aragami and aragami giant snake dragon save all human from nuke.

If nuke continue haft of world being destroy by nuke. Thanks to giant aragami snake dragon save the day and save earth from danger i think not all aragami are bad.

In God eater ova they use nuke power plant in base but it's useless there giant aragami snake dragon eat nuke thanks to that soma not die and his team mate survive. They couldn't suppress the initial outbreak? what a joke. That monster at the end, not going to be easy to take down one so huge and has an aerial advantage.Īnd just shows that humanity never should have gotten to this point either.